The only thing in COLIN MULLIGAN‘s life that makes sense is taking cars apart and putting them back together. In the auto shop where he works with his father and brothers, he tries to get through the day without having a panic attack or flying into a rage. Drinking helps. So do running and lifting weights until he can hardly stand. But none of it can change the fact that he’s gay, a secret he has kept from everyone.
RAFAEL GUERRERA has found ways to live with the past he’s ashamed of. He’s dedicated his life to social justice work and to helping youth who, like him, had very little growing up. He has no time for love. Hell, he barely has time for himself. Somehow, everything about miserable, self-destructive Colin cries out to him. But down that path lie the troubles Rafe has worked so hard to leave behind. And as their relationship intensifies, Rafe and Colin are forced to dredge up secrets that both men would prefer stay buried.
A Deleted Scene, on The Literary Gossip
An Interview, for Happily Ever After
"What Is Hurt/Comfort and Why Do We Love It," for Heroes and Heartbreakers
"Celebrating the Villain Origin Story in Out of Nowhere," for The Mary Sue
"Out of Nowhere's Love Affair With the Power Ballad," for Gay Book Reviews
"A Book Research Meet Cute(ish)," for EverAfter Romance
"Lessons of Politics, Lessons of Love," for All About Romance